Hi everyone, and welcome to The Kite Games!
My name is Michael, and I’m the guy behind this project. I’m a passionate kiteboarder from Sweden. I live close to a couple of the best kite spots in Sweden and I try to be on the water as much as I can.
I also am a big follower of many of the kiteboarding channels, influencers and vloggers on YouTube, Instagram etc. I like to see interesting, crazy and informative content.
In 2014, a group of guys called Habo Locals created this challenge contest called Conquer the Coast. It was a video entry contest where you had some missions to do, film and post to them. I was quite new to the sport back then, and this format really helped me a lot to evolve and push myself as a kiter. And it was so much fun!
So, now in Corona times, I thought I would mix these two things together; A game of challenges, suited for almost all kiters, that will give me (and many many others) a lot of crazy, fun and interesting content to see for months to come!
And so, The Kite Games was born!
I hope you’ll enjoy it, participate on the game and have a lot of fun along the way. The more the merrier! The kiteboarding community is awesome and every crash, attempt and success will be loved be everyone of us. I will for sure try as many missions as I can with my friends, making sure you are updated with my progress along the way 😉
Best of luck! May the team having the most fun win!

(Big thanks to Habo Locals for letting me taking on their idea)